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Education Unlike Any Other


It is 2016, but strangely, education today looks very much like it did in the 19th century.  The teacher lecturing from one end of the room with students dutifully stitting in their chairs, taking notes, and trying to listen. 


But, does that work for every student?  In the last 100 years, we have learned so much about learning styles, learning differences, and multisensory instruction.


Additionally, society has changed in the last 100 years to expand the needs of students educated in STEM, with critical thinking skills, and the ability to work collaboratively.


Gone is the need for rote memorization.  Instead, we need students with imagination, the ability to solve problems, and think "outside the box." 


We know that the above describes many children with learning differences.  They think in colors and pictures and have the ability to change the world.  The key is the maintain each child's self-esteem, encourage his/her strengths, while addressing his/her challenges.


That's what we do!

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